Monday, November 23, 2009

Mid Way!!!

Well, we are closer to our move. We have already gone to the site and gone house hunting. This was after pawning off our children to unsuspecting friends. Little did they know what we had been dealing with. (That is the subject for a whole new set of blogs that I don't have time for!!!) Anyway, we did find a house, put in a bid and were accepted, now we just have to wait for the paperwork nightmare. Also during this little drift in life, we have football playoffs and the holidays!!! Part of me wants to say "Oh hell", the other part wants to quit my job and live life to the fullest!!!! Needless to say, I'm still working and balancing like a mad woman!!!!!! Did I happen to mention what all else needs to be done between Thanksgiving and us moving? Well, let me fill you in!!!!! Rachel has 2 Christmas parades, one of them in downtown Dallas plus ROTC Military Ball & all that goes with that to get ready for including shopping for a dress. Anthony is in the throws of football playoffs and spending time with my ex husband who helped raise him, plus ROTC Military Ball and FINALS!!!!!! Garett is just along for the ride and has the Ball & Finals!!!! No, I really don't think I have enough going on, because I also have to seperate all of the household items from what the movers will pack from what I don't want them touching. We have decided that we are kicking Rachel out of her room to use it as a staging area. (We are soooooo Military!!!) I have already dug up most of my bulbs that I am transplanting down to Florida. I still have Cannas & Elephant Ears to go and then the couple of actual plants that I am taking down. Plus my roses, very important. I bought each for a reason and they are very symbolic to me.

We are doing little things around the house to get ready. For example, making it a point to throw multiple papers in the recycle bin daily. This cleans out my trash and forces me into making decisions about my paperwork. Having Rodney around has really helped. If he's not actually doing something, then he's putting a glass with alcohol in my hands and forcing me to relax!!!! This is very key to me being accomplished, I think. Our relationship has launched into the next designated season. Very strange, if you just think about it, but if you're living it, it seems more likely. We sit in our swing and marvel at where we were and where we've come from and where we're going!!!!!! It's fun~!!!!!!!!! And this moves me into my next thing I wanted to discuss.

MEN!!!!! They are such fabulous creatures!!!! This is nothing against anyone that I've ever had a relationship with, but I think I was meant to be Rodney's Wife. I don't think I was ever supposed to be anyone else's wife, just his. After much discussion, we discovered that our paths had crossed many times in our lives and we didn't even know it. And after what all we have been through, I can honestly say that I wouldn't want to be with anyone other than this man, Rodney Joe Huffer!!!!! No it's not the alcohol, but it has helped me to finally let go of that insecurity that I now have from a lifetime of piss-poor choices that I have made. So, maybe this mid-way that I speak of is not only for our move, but also for our (mine & Rodney's) relationship. God takes us to places that we can only imagine!!! And I kid you not!!!!! It seemed the more that Rodney & I prayed at night as a couple, the more close we would grow and if you all knew our history you would say that it was a miracle indeed!!!!! This makes me think that if we can do this, then anyone can. All you have to do is have the faith of a child, innocent & neverending and it can happen!!!!

As a woman, this is very overwhelming, but I'm hanging on. These are my kids, and this is my husband. As my hubby & I were sitting in our swing tonight, I asked him if he thought we were going through our second teenage-hood. He didn't know. We were very excited to get our kids out of our house and exploring this big 'ole world again. It makes me have hope and I look forward to the day when I can hog him all to myself again. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else in this world than him!!!!!

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